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    Namespace std not recognized in public API.h for shared library   [Beginners]
    It has been quite a while since I was working intermittently on my project to write a C++ shared library for Basex. I finally managed to create a working combin...
    [18 replies] Last: double free or corruption [/quote] You could be trying to free memor... (by seeplus)
    Unlock mutex when returning   [General C++ Programming]
    幸运飞行艇168开奖结果网-2024最新飞艇开奖查询-官网直播-查询开奖结果最新版-幸运飞行艇-查询-168飞艇开奖官网. The back-end of my application executes a command with _popen and passes the output to the front-end. void Loader::LoadBuffer(const std::string& arg) { ...
    [2 replies] Last: Whoops you're right, thanks I'll make bufferLoaded atomic. As for out... (by LsDefect)
    how to read a single character as with getchar but in C++?   [General C++ Programming]
    Hi, in C one could read a single character from the keyboard with functions like getc() or getchar(). What is the equivalent in C++? streams use buffered inp...
    [8 replies] Last: in C one could read a single character from the keyboard with functio... (by seeplus)
    Segmentation fault (core dumped)   [Beginners]
    Hi, I get strange segfault error when working with hierarchy of c programs (3 stages) I can give a link to the sources, but first i will describe the issue: i ...
    [6 replies] Last: Thanks folks, the error was due to a buffer overflow of char array I ... (by Jonathan100)
    幸运飞行艇结果直播168-开奖历史查询官网结果-开奖网+开奖官网查询、168飞艇开奖官网直播体彩网-开奖结果查询官网. Strange arithmetic conversions   [General C++ Programming]
    Stroustrup states in C++ Programming Language 4th edition page 271 that the result of converting an unsigned integer to a signed one of possibly larger size imp...
    [5 replies] Last: This is one of the reasons why .ssize()/std::ssize was introduced to g... (by seeplus)
    Expectations   [Lounge]
    Looking for 幸运飞行艇168体彩开奖网-直播-168飞艇查询-2024新版官网开奖飞艇结果-官网开奖结果、飞艇168开奖官网开奖-最新168飞艇开奖结果直播 feedback to sanity check my expectations of junior and not-so-junior C++ developers. Currently wondering how things have changed since I started in ...
    [10 replies] Last: I distinctly remember two professors I enjoyed, both were for English ... (by zapshe)
    PDP 11 Dave's Garage   [Lounge]
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XT6t2L3SVM8 Trials and tribulations of working with old computer and old OS.
    [1 reply] : Ah the good old days! That takes me back. I did a lot of programming w... (by seeplus)
    How to clear the buffer for istreams?   [General C++ Programming]
    Hi, what if I want to read only one character of input from the keyboard and want to use streams? so this: char c; cin >> x; [/code] will read a c...
    [1 reply] : https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/io/basic_istream/ignore (by salem c)
    by zapshe
    I work for Google... (1,2)   [Lounge]
    I didn't know if I was training OpenAI's GPT models or not. Turns out I was in fact training Google's Gemini model. I'm not sure what the relationship betwee...
    [27 replies] Last: "the data must flow" (by Ganado)
    c++ array negative numbers   [General C++ Programming]
    I am trying to solve this problem, but got wrong output. Given an array of integers, write a function to move all the negative numbers to the left end of the ar...
    [4 replies] Last: to move all the negative numbers to the left end of the array without... (by seeplus)