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I have a strange problem that must be solved by you. I have multiple link lists (unsorted) with integers values. I need to generate two list from the input. One list is a list of all values in all list and no duplicates are to be recorded. Two, I need a second list of values where the same values are found in all list (no duplicates). For example input using 2 link list: LinkList1: 5 -> 7 -> 3 -> 10 -> 6 -> 2 -> 3 LinkList2: 8 -> 7 -> 5 -> 10 -> 6 -> 3 -> 5 output: combo: 5, 7, 3, 8, 10, 6, 2 all the elements in both list no element is repeated duplicates: 7, 3, 6, 5 elements in both list again no element repeated. You will us the Hashing algorithm and enter each value from both list into the hash table. You will count the number of times each value is entered into the has table. The first entry is 1 of course. A second entry and only from a new list will be counted again. Now, to get the combo list, then all entries in the table will be in the combo list. To get the duplicates, that will be all entries with a 2 (or the number of list N for N list) indicating this entry is in all N list. If a second value appears in the same list, it is not to be counted again. You only count values from new list, and not a repeated value in the current/same list. Your program will also need to handle N list, and output two list, the combo and the duplicate lists. You have the following input files to test your code with. Files for input: ListOf2 ListOf3, ListOf5 Three different runs??? This program you are writing has to handle Link List. The Link List that your program will be handling comes from another department and the link list are not sorted and there are repeat values in these list, so your list you build are of the same structure and format that it will be handling later in production mode. You are to read in the values form the file and construct a link list for each input list. A simple link list, where each value read in will be the next node in the link list. An unsorted link list is built for each input line. All the data read in are to be placed into the link list, even if the value is a repeated value you will place repeated values in the list. A list is made up of multiple values and for this program, all the values for one link list will be found on one input line. The next line of values represents a new list. There will be at most, in any run, five (5) list to combine/form into two required list. Your program will have to determine the number of list per input file. Each input file I supply has a different number of list to work with. Max Hash Table size is 17. You should have minimal collisions. Keep a count of your collisions and print the number of collision results for each run. You will have to come up with your own Hash Function and a bad Hash Function produces more collisions. If your Hash Function is bad, your grade will suffer. You can pick any one of the three collision algorithms given in the lecture to handle collisions. Your input values are 3-digit integer numbers which is your key you will use to the Hash Table. Output: Print out your N link list of values across the page, one pre line. Print out the combo list. Print out the duplicate list. Print out the number of collisions encountered. Hint: Since you will have multiple link list, and you don’t know how many, you will need N head pointers for N link list. A way to handle N head pointers is use an array of ABunchOfHeads where each location of the array is the head pointer for a different link list. Or, you could make a link list of head pointers where each node in the ABunchOfHeads link list is the head pointer to a different link list. |
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The first entry [in the hash table] is 1 of course. A second entry and only from a new list will be counted again. |
Print out your N link list of values across the page, one pre line. |