general c++ questions

Jan 23, 2008 at 5:06am
I am completely new to the world of programming. I have started working my way through the tutorials here and on another site, but I still have many general questions. The tutorials all seem to take you through a few basic ideas, but I don't feel like I understand how to put it all together into something bigger. How does someone who is trying to teach himself to program, systematically learn how to be a good programmer? Can this be done through internet resources alone or not? Also, I'd like to understand the difference in programming in windows, or for linux. What is Visual C++? Do you need something special to program a windows style application? Where can this information be found?

As you can see, I'm a little lost. All the tutorials teach about loops and syntax, which is essential to learn, but I'm having trouble understanding the bigger picture and how to get a complete understanding of programming.
Jan 23, 2008 at 6:32pm
I can write my own code, but it's often very buggy. If I can write 50 lines in one go without a syntax error I'm the happiest man in the world :).

A lot of being a good programmer is figuring out the specifics of your program, and the theory behind it. You ned to be a good programmer to know how you'd get the computer to do what you want it to do. That's why the skill of being a good programmer can be learnt in any language (except for maybe InterCAL) and used in any.

A good way to learn more of the theory is to download medium-to-large C++ applications and inspect/upgrade the code. It's a lot easier than writing your own :)
Jan 23, 2008 at 10:56pm
Many people hate them, but the good old paper book works wonders for learning. It allows you to pack it into a rucksack and read it anywhere at anytime.

Ive read programming books whilst shopping with the girlfriend (yes shopping is boaring, programming is fun!). Its good to read books that focus on programming concepts and fundementals that are not focused on any specific language.

Ive been using PHP and Javascript for along time, and learn't all the basic through those languages. When i moved to C++ its easy.

The only things i found hard was stuff that those languages didn't cover, such as pointers. I have plenty of books that explain pointers, but the girlfriend is asleep and dont want to turn the light on (hence why i made a new post in the forum).

Books, Books, Books. I read everyday.
Jan 24, 2008 at 7:58am
yes you should get a book, mostly because tutorials will never cover it all, and you can always use the book as a register and find the things you need there
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