books or tools?

Feb 1, 2008 at 6:46pm
I've noticed many of people who post on this site go to school for programming. I am new to programming and am looking for any info to help me get started with simulation or game programming.

Books Websites or commonly used programs in the industy.

Any info would be much appreciated.
Feb 2, 2008 at 3:01am
I wouldn't call myself by either of those titles but I have done a little of both. Some for math modeling and some for computer graphics.

For game programming

1. start by learning your tools.
(Variables, Iteration, Control Flow Statements, Methods, Objects, Pointers, Templates, Data structures)
2. While you do that brush up on your 2d math.
(points, lines, parabola, trigonometry)
3. Start OpenGL learning OpenGL programming (
I think its easier than direct X programming
4. Learn about 3-D space and how objects are represented
5. Learn Direct X
6. Learn AI

For simulation programming

Do step 1. To me much of simulation doesn't need a GUI. You just have to number crunch)
But if you want a GUI you can use OpenGL.

Last edited on Feb 2, 2008 at 3:02am
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