help plz - Parity Again

Jul 6, 2019 at 6:35pm
I have got partial in this question. I m getting tle in 2nd subtask.But I have no idea how to get ac.
plz help me. Tried a lot.

queries. Initially, S is empty. In each query:

You are given a positive integer X.
You should insert X into S.
For each y∈S before this query such that y≠X, you should also insert y⊕X into S (⊕ denotes the XOR operation).
Then, you should find two values E and O: the number of elements of S with an even number of 1-s and with an odd number of 1-s in the binary representation, respectively.
Note that a set cannot have duplicate elements, so if you try to insert into S an element that is already present in S, then nothing happens.

The first line of the input contains a single integer T denoting the number of test cases. The description of T test cases follows.
The first line of each test case contains a single integer Q.
Each of the next Q lines contains a single integer X describing a query.
For each query, print a single line containing two space-separated integers E and O.

Subtask #1 (30 points):

Subtask #2 (70 points): original constraints

Example Input
Example Output
0 1
1 2
3 4
Example case 1:

Initially, the set is empty: S={}.
After the first query, S={4}, so there is only one element with an odd number of 1-s in the binary representation ("100").
After the second query, S={4,2,6}, there is one element with an even number of 1-s in the binary representation (6 is "110") and the other two elements have an odd number of 1-s.
After the third query, S={4,2,6,7,3,5,1}

Plz help me in optimising the code.any small hint will be appreciated.
Last edited on Jul 7, 2019 at 5:47am
Jul 6, 2019 at 6:54pm
Last edited on Jul 6, 2019 at 7:34pm
Jul 6, 2019 at 7:28pm
Last edited on Jul 9, 2019 at 2:01pm
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