Hello I have a problem with this task at the moment:
A concert agency wants to manage their events to introduce a new computer system.
It is an event by means of a structure and all events are described
Events of the Agency as a linked list of events.
- A function void output (...)
which shows the data of an event on screen. The parameters can be suitably
be elected
- A function void output list (Event * start)
which, as all events of the list on the screen indicating the first element
This parameter is passed.
Test the functions using a suitable driver. Here, a list of
at least 4 concatenateded events are fixed (no need to read).
Other functions can be added as needed.
As a second project team to design the structure of event involved, you need to
Development first implement a simple prototype for this. as
Minimum requirement should be the prototype next to the pointer to the next element
- A description of the event
- The number of available seats
- The number of unsold seats
#include <iostream>
usingnamespace std;
int main()
void output(int a; int b; int c;)
for(from start to end of all parameters
std::cout << parameter[i];
void output_list(Event *start)
#include <iostream>
usingnamespace std;
int main()
void output(int a; int b; int c;)
int a = theater;
int b = seats;
int c = unsolved seats;
for(from start to end of all parameters
std::cout << parameter[i];
void output_list(Event *start)
int main()
void output(int a; int b; int c;) //cant declare function in another function. Parameter list is separated by commas, no semi colons.
int a = theater; //What is theatre? What is seats? None of these are defined as far as I can tell
int b = seats;
int c = unsolved seats;
for(from start to end of all parameters //This isn't actually anything. It's an example for you to base off of. People expect you to be able to write something yourself.
std::cout << parameter[i];
void output_list(Event *start)
People have already told you how to get started, yet you haven't shown anything of your own yet.
After reading this, output_list() gets passed in the first node of a linked list. All you need to do is output the relevant information, move on to the next node, and repeat until you hit the last node.
Well now you've sparked my curiosity. Why would this ever be useful? The only thing I can think of is to limit the scope of it, but why have a function that can only be used by one specific other function? And if you can't place the body of the function with it, where does that go?