getting frustrated

Mar 1, 2008 at 9:22pm

i have completed 2 beginner books on c++. i definatly need more practice.

i am getting so frustrated with the books that i buy. I know that more practice is needed so i buy more beginner books. its so tough to hold my attention to read through 400 pages of stuff i have already read. then when it does get to stuff like classes there is about 100 pages left and thats it. i really want more practice on classes.

so i try and get an advanced books and its mostly about writing your own templates and stuff like that wich im not ready for.

sigh...does what im saying make any sense at all. are there any full books on classes. books that have more then 1 example on copy constructorss and operator overloading.
Mar 1, 2008 at 9:53pm
I used books and tutorials on the internet. Also go to you tube and search "C++" and there are some really good tutorials by reconnetwork
Mar 2, 2008 at 5:22am
Alas, I feel your pain too. I've been programming for two decades and it is frustrating to have to wade through the "for dummies" stuff...

If you live in the USA or Canada you can visit Barnes & Noble bookstores and spend some time with a book to make sure it is something you are actually going to read once you've bought it.

Other good resources are the public library and university libraries if you live near one.

I've come to really like Google and Wikipedia as well.

All I can say is after a while you get better at quickly identifying the chaff.
Mar 3, 2008 at 12:21am
i am going to invest in one last beginner book c++ primer plus from after that im going to take your suggestion Duoas and go to a barnes and nobel or library and scan through them from then on.
Mar 3, 2008 at 9:11am
instead of buying books, start writing prog starting from an easy one, it will take time to develop "that" logic but be patient
Mar 3, 2008 at 9:26am
I have to say the best way of learning languages is often just playing around with source codes and chnaging stuff yourself, books and tuts only help to a certian extent
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