by mathman54
Not sure if I got this right
[17 replies] Last: Oh, something to remember. You know what the code is supposed to do... (by George PlusPlus)
by e0ne199
question about hand-over-hand fine-grained locking mechanism
[12 replies] Last: node<T>* succ = first; std::unique_lock<std::mutex> current... (by seeplus)
by mathman54
Stuck again and need help
[9 replies] Last: So I think that I need setw(30) With cout, setw() affects what come... (by seeplus)
by mathman54
I'm stuck with an odd error message
[8 replies] Last: The code as originally posted only while looped on total = seven + 3;... (by George PlusPlus)
by seeplus
[6 replies] Last: If you want to stay cross-platform and still support Win32, have a loo... (by kigar64551)
by Cplusc
Unix transcript of build event
[9 replies] Last: POSIX API (i.e. <unistd.h>), which I wouldn't call "non-standard" I... (by seeplus)
by mathman54
I'm in school and stuck trying to go from a double to an integer
[7 replies] Last: @mathman54. Please don't post line numbers as part of the code. It mak... (by seeplus)
by seeplus
Format woes
[9 replies] Last: std::cout << s.substr(*s.c_str() == '0'); (by mbozzi)
adding chrono::months to a sys_days
[4 replies] Last: Trying to add 1 month to today does not yield a sys_days!!! Well my... (by seeplus)
by helios
Apparently this is valid
[1 reply] : Definitely just *looks* like an unintentional bug from a programmer, a... (by Ganado)
by Cplusc
Line box intersection
[1 reply] : Now is a great time to do some debugging, with a debugger :+) Actuall... (by TheIdeasMan)
Calling C++ method pointers |
[1 reply] : Line 53 should be: if (! (this->*fp)(str)) // Do the... (by mbozzi)
literal for one day
[5 replies] Last: @George P day (of month) exists but day s (duration) does not exist ... (by coder777)
by Cplusc
MPI Data Type
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, you are right. (by Cplusc)
by adam2016
64 bit architecture and programming
[14 replies] Last: Right, well in that case an example of working with the branch predi... (by Ganado)
by Runsva
Call Function in DLL from C++ Program?
[13 replies] Last: The difference between _cdecl and _stdcall is going to determine which... (by seeplus)
by Runsva
Include Mutex when building with G++ via Command Prompt?
[3 replies] Last: Looking to compile on a Windows system there are several newer options... (by George PlusPlus)
When to choose Args&& instead of Args?
[2 replies] Last: You use std::forward with && for perfect forwarding. As the type of Ar... (by seeplus)
how to send output to console when using catch2 for C++
[no replies]
by Runsva
Build Shared Library File from String of Code?
[2 replies] Last: You can not just "save" the C/C++ code to a DLL file. That is becaus... (by kigar64551)