by CodeChaser
operator const char* return (1,2)
[39 replies] Last: If I were to start using command-line compilation I would probably go ... (by George PlusPlus)
by nvthielen
ASM code and C++
[3 replies] Last: OP is clearly not messing with programming on modern systems. Hints: ... (by Duthomhas)
by BigNibs
Looking for tutor for OOP class
[3 replies] Last: I can help you out with what I know currently. Tag me if you are inter... (by CodeChaser)
by newbieg
Launch A Program
[3 replies] Last: That's great, thank you. (by newbieg)
by ElusiveTau
How to ensure log folder is created before any log calls are made?
[5 replies] Last: Logger.h does serialize writes to the logfile. There is a utility fun... (by kigar64551)
by Jonathan100
split 32 bit variable to array of 4 u8 variables
[6 replies] Last: For the cast to be correct, u8 must be another name for unsigned ch... (by mbozzi)
by rudiHammad
Visual studio keep aligning assignment operator
[1 reply] : found it. In text editor | all languages | tabs | indenting -> check b... (by rudiHammad)
by Mif
C programming / Program is Crushing when in release
[12 replies] Last: Also here sortAndFindMax(propValue, 5); I'm sorting the array and th... (by Mif)
by spistol
Linking problem with qrcodegencpp [Linux]
[4 replies] Last: >> /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ > This one looks lik... (by keskiverto)
by Jonathan100
Pointer to array in 2d array
[6 replies] Last: Ah, yes, you ran into magic VLA stuff. Fix that by cranking up your c... (by Duthomhas)
by Jonathan100
Git questions
[2 replies] Last: That git-scm website has lots of git flavors for the 3 big OSes. If y... (by George PlusPlus)