Get Mouse klick, fire keyboard

Oct 26, 2015 at 3:45pm

i have a mouse with forward and back mouse buttons and i want to use them within a game. The problem is that the games i want to play do not support that special mouse buttons.
So i thought i write a little program that listen for mouse button press and if forward/back/what ever special mouse button is pressed it fires an keyboard key event, so for example p that you never use in a game.

Maybe with a little gui where you can define the mouse button and the keyboard key that will be "connected".

I have a little experience with cpp and Qt.
(playing reversi on the console, list/stack/...)

I hope someone can tell me how to do that and point me in the right direction.

Thank you.
Oct 26, 2015 at 7:28pm
Use windows hooks(I.e., SetWindowsHookEx()) to monitor mouse events and use SendInput() to simulate a key press.




Hope this helps.
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