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He wrote: |
Hey [Disch]. I'm curious to hear what you think of this track. I think they did a pretty good job of mimicking the classic video game sound: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HxZn6CzOIo |
I wrote: |
It's alright. It suffers from "dance-itis" -- too long, too repetitive, and no hook. The best modern "retro" video game music I've heard is probably the Cave Story soundtrack... but even that is like 10 years old now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zW7Dmx9WYQ&index=31&list=PL0A12ED38862DB0F5 |
He wrote: |
Dance-itis. Haha. I like that term. Since electronic music went mainstream dance-itis infected it all. I read an interview with Nintendo's composer a while back. He was talking about the challenge of composing a short song, with very few sounds, that is OK to listen to for hours at a time. Pretty interesting. |
I wrote: |
Lyrical music has the advantage of having unique lyrics that keep the listener entertained. Even if the melody is repeated over and over again, it's not so bad because the lyrics are different which keeps it fresh. Instrumental music doesn't have that luxury. It has to find a different way to be fresh. In NES-era games this was typically accomplished by simply not having the melody repeat... ever (or at least very infrequently). Here's a classic example from Duck Tales. Listen to the main melody. Notice how it never really repeats: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQtRnc1D7YY The SMB main theme does have some repetition, but not a lot. It only repeats the same melody twice before switching to an entirely different melody: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGX4obVl64w The Wily theme from Megaman2 alternates between 2 main melodies, but does minor variations each time to keep them interesting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dp_O42DX_08 Dance music doesn't do this. It just repeats the same thing over and over and over. With little if any variation. Booooooring. Even when there are lyrics, it's usually just 5 words repeated over and over and over. To compare, the AdhesiveWombat song you linked establishes the main melody in the first 15 seconds of the song. Then just adds background layers without mixing up the main tune at all. Somehow it stretches that 15 seconds of tune into a 4:30 song. Waaaaaaaay too long. |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogMNV33AhCY |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fdr-Fiv92c |
Your just listening to the wrong kind of music for the kind of dancing you like is all: |
Disch wrote: |