system32 ... ?

Pages: 12
Nov 30, 2012 at 5:20am
closed account (z0XLy60M)
Wtf is in system32 ?
Why ,if deleted , it'll (most probably ?) cause the computer to crash ?

What does it contain that's so essential ?
Nov 30, 2012 at 5:28am
all of the commands in the terminal, configuration settings, registry keys
Nov 30, 2012 at 6:11am
It won't crash (at least, not necessarily). It will simply fail to boot the next time you try to turn it on because that's where most of the system-wide libraries are stored, including device drivers and the kernel itself.
Basically, 90% of the code the OS needs to do anything is there.
Nov 30, 2012 at 6:13am
you know what, nothing bad will happen dont listen to me or helios. its a useless folder. go for it and do your best to make sure its gone
Nov 30, 2012 at 6:53am
why am i reported? i didnt do anything wrong
Nov 30, 2012 at 6:55am
Wtf is in system32 ?

Reword it please...

Why ,if deleted , it'll (most probably ?) cause the computer to crash ?

I agree with helios. No, It won't crash. If the "system32" folder of an Operating system (Eg : Windows) gets wrong (Eg: Missing necessary files, corrupt critical files, Wrong information (registry) or configuration settings, invalid computer (invalid device drivers information), etc...) then the result will fail to boot the next time...

cause the computer to crash...

No, forever. Because the computer accesses a proper OS by many methods (Compact disk (CD), DVD, USB,...) Personally I use my own USB to recovery my broken OS if needed. The computer also finds other operating systems which are not stored in system storage. It only needs a system file (OS detector & loader) to work.

What does it contain that's so essential ?

"system32" contains most of important files and critical data information (devices, registry, ...) So like I said before, if you delete this system folder, the damaged OS won't work at all. You may insert a CD operating system or a recovery USB to reinstall it (I think you should use Symantec Ghost)

you know what, nothing bad will happen dont listen to me or helios. its a useless folder. go for it and do your best to make sure its gone

@Aramil of Elixia, please note your comments. And you should consider carefully before posting your comments again... (This is a bad advice)...
Last edited on Nov 30, 2012 at 9:19am
Nov 30, 2012 at 6:58am
if you look i posted above what it contains and anyone who knows the basics of an os knows the importance of these. so i obviously was being sarcastic especially after helios post
Nov 30, 2012 at 9:03am
closed account (z05DSL3A)

Never assume that the reader will understand sarcasm. That said, it is unwise to give bad advise sarcastically.
Nov 30, 2012 at 9:45am
There have been a few bad "Reports" recently. I think helios was reported very recently for no reason.

As I recall, this was supposed to be a restricted feature, not available to everyone. It seems that's no longer the case.
Nov 30, 2012 at 9:59am
> all of the commands in the terminal,
.zo'o: as if anyone uses the terminal nowadays
> configuration settings,
it doesn't matter, it is not data. (default configuration should be fine)
> registry keys
¿what are those?
Nov 30, 2012 at 10:07am
as if anyone uses the terminal nowadays
it doesn't matter, it is not data. (default configuration should be fine)
¿what are those?

Nov 30, 2012 at 10:09am
ummm first of all command prompt not terminal and plenty of people. i do all the time. it is still very widely used

no windows configuration settings are data ur thinking of something completely different.

registry keys store the data that is in the registry
Nov 30, 2012 at 10:48am
(1) is a joke, that's why it has the joke indicator.

For (2),
losing ~/.config it is not (or shouldn't be) a big deal, programs simply revert to their default configuration.
Losing ~/.local/share is quite bad.

(3) is a question (with question marks)

> registry keys store the data that is in the registry
fine, but why is that data important.
Nov 30, 2012 at 11:10am
first what joke indicator. and no they wont becuase the defualt configs are written to file. and 3 (note that these are configs too so there in terms of the low level stuff im talking about arent default configs)
Nov 30, 2012 at 2:53pm
It seems as if any kind of humor and sarcasm is lost on Aramil. I have noticed every time a joke is said in a thread he takes it seriously.
Nov 30, 2012 at 3:26pm
i did it twice during the joke forum. and i didnt report anyone. and in my defence what i saw made it seemed really serious in the context, given lb and i were having an arguement on a seperate thread and i wrongly thought he was trolling me
Nov 30, 2012 at 3:32pm
closed account (z05DSL3A)
... and in my defence what i saw made it seemed really serious...
and that would be why your post here got reported if the reader takes your post seriously they 'could do something stupid and damage their system.
Nov 30, 2012 at 3:42pm
but i saw it as serious becuase it was an oop joke but i didnt see that he bolded certian oop words. if you dont, then it looks like an attack on my joke and it was even more likely becuase we were arguing on a diffrent thread at the time
Nov 30, 2012 at 4:45pm
>>Be on joke thread.
>>Take things serious.

See a problem in that logic?
Nov 30, 2012 at 5:27pm
closed account (1yR4jE8b)
It's a useless folder, delete it, you'll make your computer go faster. Also, download more RAM. That's how you triforce.
Pages: 12