Please add that you want a C- not a C++-solution in your question...
maybe the array size is 0 and you don't allocate memory at all.
Additionally please give us the content of the file (or at least what's necessary) so we can reproduce the error
You must declare the size of the struct inside the main function and use it as argument for the function, or use the void function to display the size of the words and you will not need to declare the struct inside the main and use it as argument, you will do it inside de void.
int main(){
Words *words = malloc(SIZE*(sizeof(Words)));
storeFileWords("ordlista.txt", words);
printf("%d", words[0].size);
return 0;
changing a pointer in a function won't change the pointer itself.
This may be confusing but see the example below:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
#include <stdio.h>
int a = 6;
int b = 10;
void change(int* value) {
value = &b; // changes local copy
int main() {
int* v = &a; // points at a
printf("%d", *v); // prints 6
return 0;