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My Monitors and keyboard are not getting power?

Mar 28, 2015 at 10:22pm
Here is the story: I was cleaning my room today, and decided to dust my computer for the first time in six months. Well, sure enough, it was filled with dust. I figure I'd dig deeper, so I take out my CPU heatsink, and there, I found that my CPU was fused to it. After researching, I learned how to get it off. Well, I dust the heatsink and plug everything back in and bam. My monitors aren't working, going into Power Save mode. I click keys on my keyboard, and nothing happens (and the Caps Lock key won't light up either). THe mouse is lit up, so that is working. I have tried:

> Taking out the GPU and putting it back in
> Turn off computer, unplug it, hold down powerbutton for several seconds (also turned powerstrip off, to be safe)
> Tried other monitors, no dice.

Also, my guess is that my PSU isn't distributing enough power? I have a 430 watt with sort of hefty parts, so it is possible.... And I used compressed air to dust the computer, if it helps. It also doesn't beep after startup now. The motherboard would beep before.

I am typing this on a different computer, btw.
Mar 28, 2015 at 11:15pm
I figure I'd dig deeper, so I take out my CPU heatsink, and there, I found that my CPU was fused to it. After researching, I learned how to get it off.

I'm terrified.

I would not recommend man-handling the CPU or its heatsink unless you are really, really careful and know exactly what you're doing. The most you should have done is blow compressed air through it to clear the dust -- not dismantle it.

Were you grounded the whole time? Did you ever make direct contact with (or even waft your hand nearby) the CPU itself? If the answer are "no" and "yes", then it's very possible you fried your CPU with a static short. I really hope that's not the case, cause if it is, it's pretty much dead.


Also, my guess is that my PSU isn't distributing enough power? I have a 430 watt with sort of hefty parts, so it is possible.... And I used compressed air to dust the computer, if it helps.

If the PSU had enough power to give before the dusting, it would have enough to give after. And your mouse is getting power. It does not sound like the PSU.

It also doesn't beep after startup now. The motherboard would beep before.

Oh God I'm terrified.
Last edited on Mar 28, 2015 at 11:20pm
Mar 28, 2015 at 11:20pm
I was on a carpet... ugh. I feel you maybe right. But why would that disable the keyboard and monitor?

I looked up the beep codes, and none means:
No Power, Loose card, short.

I checked for loose cards, nada. But there really isn't a way to make sure for no power or a shortage, is there? So, I can either buy a 60 dollar PSU and find that I needed a processor, or buy a $150 CPU and find out that I need a 60 dollar PSU.

Damn it.
Mar 28, 2015 at 11:29pm
But why would that disable the keyboard and monitor?

It probably didn't. They might be working fine. The monitor is powering up, it's just not getting a signal (because your comp isn't sending it one).

EDIT: The monitor doesn't feed off the PSU anyway -- it has a separate power cord, doesn't it? /EDIT

Same story with the keyboard. It might be getting power, but without communication with a CPU the keys probably just won't do anything (you can try plugging your keyboard into an outlet via a USB plug thing if you have one to see how the lights respond)

I looked up the beep codes, and none means:
No Power, Loose card, short.


But there really isn't a way to make sure for no power or a shortage, is there? So, I can either buy a 60 dollar PSU and find that I needed a processor, or buy a $150 CPU and find out that I need a 60 dollar PSU.

I'm not qualified enough to help with further diagnostics. You could try taking it into a repair shop, but that won't be free.

Dunno what to tell you man. This sounds like it's pretty bad to me. But like I say I don't know for sure. I hope I'm wrong.
Last edited on Mar 28, 2015 at 11:34pm
Mar 28, 2015 at 11:38pm
This had to happen on the first day of spring break and after spending all my money...
Mar 29, 2015 at 9:43pm
Trying to figure out what the issue is can be difficult. I would suggest reseating your graphics card and make DAMN sure that CPU has proper amounts thermal paste on it. It sounds like by "fuse" you mean that the heatsink was attached to the CPU because of old crusty thermal paste. If you cleaned it off, you need to replace it. The heatsink should not be directly touching the CPU.
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