Jul 24, 2011 at 12:42pm Jul 24, 2011 at 12:42pm UTC
Hi I made rps game and I want to know if there is a way how to improve this code. I think in who_win function is too many ifs and i dont know how it makes better. Any ideas?
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#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char who_win ( char cp, char user );
int main()
string user_string, cp_string;
int random_number, user_goal = 0, cp_goal = 0;
char result, user, cp, option;
bool koniec = false ;
srand ( time (NULL) );
while (!koniec)
random_number = rand()%3+1;
if ( random_number == 1 ) { cp = 'r' ; cp_string = "rock" ; }
if ( random_number == 2 ) { cp = 'p' ; cp_string = "paper" ; }
if ( random_number == 3 ) { cp = 's' ; cp_string = "scissors" ; }
cout << "\nLET'S START.... [r]rock [p]paper [s]scissors\n" ;
cin >> user;
cout << "\n\tcp: " << cp_string << endl;
result = who_win(cp,user);
if ( result == 'x' )
cout << "\tERROR!" << endl;
cout << "\n[e]end game [a]again" << endl;
cin >> option;
if ( result == 'w' )
cout << "\tYOU WIN!" << endl;
cout << "\n[e]end game [a]again" << endl;
cin >> option;
if ( result == 'l' )
cout << "\tYOU LOSE!" << endl;
cout << "\n[e]end game [a]again" << endl;
cin >> option;
if ( result == 't' )
cout << "\tIT'S TIE!" << endl;
cout << "\n[e]end game [a]again" << endl;
cin >> option;
if ( option == 'e' ) koniec = true ;
cout << "\ncp score: " << cp_goal << endl;
cout << "your score: " << user_goal << endl;
if ( cp_goal < user_goal ) cout << "!____YOU ARE WINNER____!" ;
if ( cp_goal > user_goal ) cout << "!____COMPUTER IS WINNER____!" ;
if ( cp_goal == user_goal ) cout << "!____IT'S TIE____!" ;
cout <<"\n\npress enter to end program...." ;
return 0;
char who_win ( char cp, char user)
char result;
if ( cp == user ) result = 't' ;
if ( cp=='p' && user=='r' ) result = 'l' ;
if ( cp=='r' && user=='p' ) result = 'w' ;
if ( cp=='p' && user=='s' ) result = 'w' ;
if ( cp=='s' && user=='p' ) result = 'l' ;
if ( cp=='r' && user=='s' ) result = 'l' ;
if ( cp=='s' && user=='r' ) result = 'w' ;
if ( user != 'p' && user != 's' && user != 'r' ) result = 'x' ;
return result;
Last edited on Jul 24, 2011 at 12:44pm Jul 24, 2011 at 12:44pm UTC
Jul 25, 2011 at 12:18pm Jul 25, 2011 at 12:18pm UTC
thats good idea thank you
Jul 25, 2011 at 7:53pm Jul 25, 2011 at 7:53pm UTC
You should consider using else to cut down on the number of comparisons which are made.
And eliminate the duplicate code!
Jul 25, 2011 at 10:15pm Jul 25, 2011 at 10:15pm UTC
I remade ifs and added function end_game (to eliminate duplicate code) is it better now ?
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#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
char who_win ( char cp, char user );
char end_program();
int main()
string user_string, cp_string;
int random_number, user_goal = 0, cp_goal = 0;
char result, user, cp, option;
bool koniec = false ;
srand ( time (NULL) );
while (!koniec)
random_number = rand()%3+1;
if ( random_number == 1 )
{ cp = 'r' ;
cp_string = "rock" ; }
else if ( random_number == 2 )
{ cp = 'p' ;
cp_string = "paper" ; }
else if ( random_number == 3 )
{ cp = 's' ;
cp_string = "scissors" ; }
cout << "\nLET'S START.... [r]rock [p]paper [s]scissors\n" ;
cin >> user;
cout << "\n\tcp: " << cp_string << endl;
result = who_win(cp,user);
if ( result == 'w' )
cout << "\tYOU WIN!" << endl;
else if ( result == 'l' )
cout << "\tYOU LOSE!" << endl;
else if ( result == 't' )
cout << "\tIT'S TIE!" << endl;
cout << "\tERROR!" << endl;
if ( option == 'e' ) koniec = true ;
cout << "\ncp score: " << cp_goal << endl;
cout << "your score: " << user_goal << endl;
if ( cp_goal < user_goal ) cout << "!____YOU ARE WINNER____!" ;
else if ( cp_goal > user_goal ) cout << "!____COMPUTER IS WINNER____!" ;
else cout << "!____IT'S TIE____!" ;
cout <<"\n\npress enter to end program...." ;
return 0;
char who_win ( char cp, char user)
char result;
if ( cp == user ) result = 't' ;
else if ((cp == 'r' && user == 's' ) || (cp == 'p' && user == 'r' ) || (cp == 's' && user == 'p' ))
{ result = 'l' ; }
else if ((cp == 'r' && user == 'p' ) || (cp == 'p' && user == 's' ) || (cp == 's' && user == 'r' ))
{ result = 'w' ; }
else result = 'x' ;
return result;
char end_program()
char choose;
cout << "\n[e]end game [a]again" << endl;
cin >> choose;
return choose;
Last edited on Jul 25, 2011 at 10:19pm Jul 25, 2011 at 10:19pm UTC
Jul 26, 2011 at 7:40pm Jul 26, 2011 at 7:40pm UTC
Yes it's better than before!
But you still have unnecessary duplicate code. I can see end_program being called in all the cases of you if-else tests. As it's called whatever the condition, it doesn't need to be handled inside the if-else.
P.S. One other comment. The variable declarations are very C. In C++you generally declare the variables as close as possible to the point of first use. And it's good form to initialize all variables (this makes it easier to spot problems when debugging).
Last edited on Jul 26, 2011 at 7:41pm Jul 26, 2011 at 7:41pm UTC
Jul 27, 2011 at 3:52pm Jul 27, 2011 at 3:52pm UTC
You don't have to initialize string variables unless you want to set them to a particular value to start with (as opposed to just blank) as string is a class with a constructor to handle its initialization.
I do initialize all my intrinsic (non-class) variables. But most of them are declared at the point of first use, so the amount of explicit initialization is quite small.
I also follow the one variable declaration per line convention, but then I'm pedantic.
Initialization does allow you to tidy up end_program a little bit:
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char who_win ( char cp, char user)
char result = 'x' ;
if ( cp == user )
result = 't' ;
else if ((cp == 'r' && user == 's' ) || (cp == 'p' && user == 'r' ) || (cp == 's' && user == 'p' ))
result = 'l' ;
else if ((cp == 'r' && user == 'p' ) || (cp == 'p' && user == 's' ) || (cp == 's' && user == 'r' ))
result = 'w' ;
return result;
Last edited on Jul 27, 2011 at 9:19pm Jul 27, 2011 at 9:19pm UTC
Jul 27, 2011 at 8:30pm Jul 27, 2011 at 8:30pm UTC
An example of what you could do:-
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#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <ctime>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
enum total { draw, win, loss };
const string str[6] = { "Rock" , "Scissors" , "Paper" , "\tIT'S TIE!" , "\tYOU WIN!" , "\tYOU LOSE!" };
int main()
cout << "\nLET'S START.... [r]rock [p]paper [s]scissors\n\n" ;
int scores[3] = {};
for (char input, exit = false ; !exit; Sleep(10))
cout << "> " ;
cin >> input;
int result, comp = rand() % 3;
switch (input)
case 'r' : case 'p' : case 's' :
int user = abs(input - 'r' );
result = (2 * user + comp) % 3;
cout << '\t' << str[user] << " vs " << str[comp] << '\n' << str[result+3] << endl;
break ;
case 'e' :
exit = true ;
break ;
default :
cout << "\tERROR!" << endl;
if (!exit)
cout << "\n------------------------------------------"
<< "\n[e]nd game [r]rock [p]paper [s]scissors\n" << endl;
if (scores[win] == scores[loss])
cout << "\n\t!____IT'S TIE____!" ;
else if (scores[win] > scores[loss])
cout << "\n\t!____YOU ARE WINNER____!" ;
cout << "\n\t!____COMPUTER IS WINNER____!" ;
cout << "\n\tWin: " << scores[win] << ", Draw: " << scores[draw] << ", Loss: " << scores[loss];
cout << "\n\nPress enter to end program...." << endl;
return 0;
Last edited on Jul 27, 2011 at 8:39pm Jul 27, 2011 at 8:39pm UTC