help with functions #2

Apr 23, 2008 at 1:31am
Write a function named Liquid() that has an integer number argument and also has another four integer reference arguments named gallons, quarts, pints, and cups. The passed integers represents the total number of cups, and the function is to determine the number of gallons , quarts , pints and cups in the passed value.
the function should return respective arguments in the calling function. Use the relationships of 2 cups to a pint, 4 cups to a quart, and 16 cups to a gallon.

Enter a amount of cups :19

1 gallons
0 quarts
1 pints
1 cups

if anyone can help a would greatly appreciate it.
thank you

Apr 23, 2008 at 1:14pm
This function will be almost exactly the same as your other question.
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