Techniques for Game developing

Apr 27, 2017 at 11:27am
Hello there, I'm looking for good algorithms and techniques for game developing.
I will learn some basic things like efficient collision detecting, handling spreads, finding paths through labyrinths and such.

Is there a good resource somewhere in the net? Or could someone recommend a good Book?
Apr 27, 2017 at 1:14pm
If you are just looking for a good all around book that just touches on most aspects of game development I would recommend "Game Coding Complete 4th Edition" by Mike McShaffry. Probably one of the best books for game development that I have read over the years.

What sets it apart in my mind is that it does a great job at not only teaching you about all the different subjects you need to know about game development but also how they fit together as a whole. A lot of game programming books definitely lack in this aspect. They teach you how to draw things on screen, or how to manage time, etc. But they usually do it in a such a way that is not scalable to anything more than just a little demo and you are usually left confused how to take all those different parts and put them together to make a game.

"Game Coding Complete 4th Edition" -

Otherwise here is some more books on different subjects in game development that I would recommend. Seems like a lot but that is just the nature of game development, you need to know about quite a bit of different aspects of programming to do it.

Best Collision Detection - "Real-Time Collision Detection"

Best AI Books - "Programming Game AI by Example" or "Artificial Intelligence for Games 2nd Edition"

Graphics - Depends solely on your API personally I am a DirectX person so I would recommend "Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 11" and a shader book.

Game Engine Development - "Game Engine Architecture, Second Edition"

Multiplayer / Networking - "Multiplayer Game Programming: Architecting Networked Games"

Anyways those a few that I would recommend, but there is definitely other subjects that you can look into also like "Sound Programming", "Scripting", "Physics", "General Game Logic Programming" and the list goes on. Most of these topics will be covered in books like "Game Coding Complete" but if you want to really have a concrete understanding of them I would recommend picking up a book dedicated solely to that subject.
Last edited on Apr 27, 2017 at 1:48pm
Apr 27, 2017 at 9:36pm
Thank you Zereo. I will take a look at the content preview supplied by amazon of your suggested books. I'm not so much interested to step by step howtos but rather in general concepts and techniques. I take at time a closer look at them. Also I found the book 'Game Programming Patterns' which is beside the issue but may be very helpful.
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