elevator control

Feb 13, 2012 at 11:16am
i need to code an elevator to record the number of people get off on each floor and a system override key for the specisl floors like the ceo's office .should i use an overload function for the floor and camera defination code which excludes the people who remain in the elevator
Feb 13, 2012 at 3:10pm
Excluding all people from an elevator, just because one person asked them to?
Don't become a sysadmin, I have one like this at school... It's not pretty.

Anyway: It's probably worth using something like a vector, or a linked list for these kinds of situations, as for the CEOs code, a key that changes every day/week is pretty good. What would the camera do? Detect whether more than one person is in the lift? Couldn't you just count that with the linked list/vector?

It's kind of vague as to what you actually want done here, but I hope that I can help
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