by PhysicsIsFun
Vector of struct vs. two 1D vectors (1,2,3)
[44 replies] Last: Thanks mbozzi for the interesting reference and your prototyped implem... (by PhysicsIsFun)
by PhysicsIsFun
OpenMP to compute PI
[9 replies] Last: Thanks mbozzi, I understand! (by PhysicsIsFun)
by jNc
improve logger function
[7 replies] Last: Much depends, of course, on the usage of the logger and it's required ... (by seeplus)
by sihaqqi
Cstring program not executing
[10 replies] Last: I know more than a few GeeksForGeeks C++ code examples are big steamin... (by George PlusPlus)
by nvthielen
getchar and print c
[3 replies] Last: i wand to get char from the terminal window Note that whilst getcha... (by seeplus)