Oct 27, 2017 at 7:06pm
Last edited on Nov 2, 2017 at 11:25am
Oct 29, 2017 at 1:33pm
Any advice would be helpful :)
Oct 30, 2017 at 3:14am
You could put your code between "code" tags:

// your code goes here

That should make it easier for other people to see what you are doing.

// your code goes here

Oct 30, 2017 at 3:50am
int numberCourseworks = 0;
Module *module = new Module("<< OO Programming >>");

for (int i = 0; i < numberCourseworks; i++) {

How many times does that loop run?

You shouldn't be using new , if it is insisted on being used, each one must have a matching delete, otherwise you have a memory leak. The reason they are bad is if anything throws an exception, the delete is never reached. Much better to use an STL container, they store their data on the heap, and solve the exceptions / memory leak problem.

Did you use it just to obtain a pointer?

could anyone assist me with this or any advice would be appreciated, thank you.

You would get more replies if you asked a proper question. What specifically are you having a problem with? In asking that question, ask yourself what might you do to solve that problem.

If you use the code tags, we can compile you program with cpp.sh the gear icon top right of the code. And refer to line numbers.

Have you heard of a debugger? It allows one to step through the code line by line, keep an eye on the values of variables, see where it goes wrong, deduce the problem. There should be a GUI one in your IDE.
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