Tiredness cause by my ADDICTION.

Aug 26, 2015 at 4:44am
closed account (yR9wb7Xj)
I tend to feel very tired everyday, and it's affecting the way I think when I program. Usually I ignore how tired I am and decide to program anyways, but I realize I end up with a lot of errors in my code. Do you think it could be the way I eat, I eat junk food everyday, and fast food on the weekends. I also believed the activities I do during my spare time when I am not studying or programming, for example watching pornography and masturbating is causing the tiredness. I watch porn everyday and I masturbate everyday, I usually masturbate for 30 minutes a day, I've look it up on google and masturbation is a good thing to do for your body, but why I do feel very fatigue then? I really need some good advice, any advice will be truly appreciated, this was very hard for me to admitted my addiction I have. Thank guys!
Last edited on Aug 26, 2015 at 4:48am
Aug 26, 2015 at 5:13am
lol this guy
Aug 26, 2015 at 5:21am
For me, switching to a healthy diet made a big difference in both my energy levels and mental clarity. I eat a large salad with lots of raw vegetables, walnuts, sunflower seeds, and olive oil everyday. Some of the benefits probably come from the increased healthy fat in my diet from the walnuts and olive oil. I also cut down on carbohydrates.

In my experience, a regular, healthy sleep cycle makes a huge difference as well. I read about some new research that suggests that the optimal amount of sleep for the average person is about 7.5 hours. At first it seamed like too little for me, but I tried getting exactly that much sleep, and waking up and going to sleep at the same times everyday, and I think it helps a lot. In the past I would just sleep in as long as possible. It seams that sometimes more sleep just makes you more tired. Also, not sure if it's just me, but going outside in the morning to get some fresh air and sunlight is nice (as opposed to staying inside with the blinds shut ); I suppose it lets your body know the day has started.

The porn/masterbation probably in and of itself isn't to blame. However I think that too much mindless activity can be detrimental (and I would classify watching/surfing the internet for porn as mindless, along with facebook excessiveness, reality TV, reading youtube comments, or watching people comment about comments on youtube ;). So maybe just try to limit your overall amount of time spent doing mindless things.

Also, in my experience, it seams like staying organized and caught up with my responsibilities is helpful. I feel like having lingering unresolved conflicts, or incomplete important tasks, somehow makes me feel tired, and more prone to procrastination (seeking mindless entertainment as a distraction), as I try to cope with the stress. Having a clean bedroom or house, and having as much of your burdens lifted as possible makes you feel "lighter", "freer", and somehow for me, clearer minded and more ambitious.
Last edited on Aug 26, 2015 at 6:07am
Aug 26, 2015 at 12:15pm
The opness of "masterbation" @hirtiwin haha
Aug 26, 2015 at 1:09pm
I tend to feel very tired everyday
This could be very will a sign for a disease. But generally: Get outside the house and do sport.

For me, switching to a healthy diet made a big difference in both my energy levels and mental clarity. I eat a large salad with lots of raw vegetables, walnuts, sunflower seeds, and olive oil everyday. Some of the benefits probably come from the increased healthy fat in my diet from the walnuts and olive oil. I also cut down on carbohydrates.
I don't know if this is really something if you'd hate that. But yes: less fat and especially suger keeps you healthier.
Aug 26, 2015 at 1:52pm
tldr: 8 hours of sleep, healthy food and sport activity are key to feeling good.

Start walking 20 minutes a 3 times week, then every week add +5 minutes, until you are at 40 minutes 3 times a week. Then you can add some one more day or maybe do some jogging. Cardio activity is a good time to listen music, radio or ebooks.

Eating correctly can make all the difference in the world how you feel. Junk food is full of sugar which can cause high sugar level in blood which make you feel sleepy. Same with food fried in deep oil - just see what happen when you eat a lot of deep fried stuff, like KFC - you will feel very sleepy and tired because of increased insulin levels. If you want to eat something, choose alternatives like normal foods: grilled or cooked meats, vegetables - these can be really healthy, low fat and super tasty.

Also start sleep 7-8 hours a day. Go sleep earlier, and also use justgetflux.com - it really helps :).

Although masturbation itself is not bad, watching porn can affect you psychologically - search on the web "reddit nofap" about this one.

Last edited on Aug 26, 2015 at 1:53pm
Aug 26, 2015 at 2:30pm
closed account (yR9wb7Xj)
Thank you everyone for the awesome advice. I'm going to start walking my dog everyday from now on, have my room clean, because it's a mess. That's probably why my mind is clutter. Start eating healthy starting from this day. Stop surfing the internet for the best porn videos and I actually do spend time reading comments on youtube so I'm going to stop that, and stop doing mindless things overall. I'm also going to sign up for a membership at the gym. I'm going to sleep more by making a sleep schedule, I just bought a small notebook to keep a to do list everyday. I just look into reddit over no fap, and I'm going to start the 90 day challenge today. Thanks guys again! It means alot!
Aug 26, 2015 at 5:55pm
Never start things 'from now on' unless you have amazing will power. Instead slowly make channges in your life.

Instead of walking dog every day, start 2-3 days a week and move up by every week or two. Try to eat healthy, but allow yourself to eat junk food once, twice a week.

Also what i find important, are achievable goals in life: in your case it might be: no fap for 1 week. Then try 2 weeks. Or Make a c++ project 3 hours a week for a month. Goals should be measurable so you know when you finished one. It's really satisfying to accomplish what you have set :).
Aug 26, 2015 at 9:53pm
closed account (yR9wb7Xj)
Thank you tath! You rock man! :)
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