Question for all employers

Jun 2, 2017 at 10:35pm
I recently took 4 courses that consisted of computer science and physics. This semester, I got 2 B's 1 C and 1 F. I'm not trying to give out excuses on why I failed one of my classes, but this semester was a difficult one for me due to the intense pressure that my physics class had on me, and not to mention that i was working my butt off in the other classes by studying 20 to 25 hours a week. I guess my mistake was "paying more attention" to certain classes and forsaking the other ones(i put more attention on my physics class than on my computer science classes due to the difficulty of physics)

ANYWAY, my question to all employers is this...

When you have someone who wants to apply for a job at the company that you work for, and you check their transcript and you see an F. Will the F convince you that the person is someone that you don't want to hire? or does it even matter to you?
Jun 3, 2017 at 10:47am
Companies caring about your grades in college almost sounds like the same line as the myth that you can't get into a good college if you failed physical education.
Jun 3, 2017 at 11:17am
Grades are quite important for your first job, particularly for getting the interview call. There is very little reliable information other than grades to make a first assessment of applicants who are fresh out of college / have never been employed.

Consistently low grades would hurt your chances; but a few Fs here and there or a one-off dip in grades in a particular semester wouldn't matter. Be prepared though, you are likely to be asked: what happened to you in this semester?
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