Jun 4, 2018 at 11:11am
Both of your examples are returning a reference to a function's local variable, which doesn't exist when the function ends, that's really bad.
A better example might be:
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class my_char_vector {
size_t m_size;
char* m_array;
my_char_vector(size_t size) : m_size(size), m_array(new char[size]) {}
~my_char_vector() { delete [] m_array; }
char& front() { return &m_array[0]; }
char& back() { return &m_array[m_size - 1]; }
char& operator[](size_t idx) { return &m_array[idx]; }
front() and back() are returning references to parts of the object's internal array. And you can use it like this.
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int main()
m_char_vector v(80);
v.front() = 'C'; // update v.m_array[0];
v.back() = '\0'; // update v.m_array[79];
v[3] = 'A'; // random access into v
Last edited on Jun 4, 2018 at 12:59pm