I'm fairly new to C++ and i'm doing a coding assignment where a user imputed integer between 10 and 100 will output "Music" (Sounds written out) and for each time a sound is played the program adds one "Snack" to a certain animal.
Whenever I run it as is the only output I ever get (With a valid in) is a constant run of "Wah bleep do-wah ding honk wapp DOH!"
I could use any help I could get at this point, even if I have to rewrite it, i'm not smart enough on terminology to be able to google my way through anymore.
PS (Sorry for the sloppy display of code, copy pasta did not like Notepad++ to forum.
The way you have your while loop set up if a valid number is entered it can never break out of the do while loop. I also don't understand what you are trying to do with this code here:
One thing I have tried was to change the condition in the while statement to while (in >= 1 && in < 50). This worked for the numbers 11,15,17 that I tried.The other numbers seemed to be endless loops. When I changed the 50 to 100 different numbers worked while the others did not.