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PLEASE ALWAYS USE CODE TAGS (the <> formatting button), to the right of this box, when posting code. It makes it easier to read your code and also easier to respond to your post. http://www.cplusplus.com/articles/jEywvCM9/ http://www.cplusplus.com/articles/z13hAqkS/ Hint: You can edit your post, highlight your code and press the <> formatting button. You can use the preview button at the bottom to see how it looks. I found the second link to be the most help. |
#include "pch.h"
has to go first.
#include "pch.h"
has to be the first include.Create new Project
in the window that appears, it should say "New Project in the upper left conor. For me, on the left side it says "installed -> Visual C++". In the middle box it says:Windows Console Application Empty Project Windows Desktop Application |
C++ File (.cpp) Header File (.h) C++ Class |