Casual Gamers

Jan 20, 2011 at 9:46am

I notice there are quite a lot of newbie game developers in this forum wanting to develop in 2D shooting, RPG or action-related games.

Based on above URL, you all are neglecting a core group of supposedly older casual gamers with over 74% of casual gamers female.

Quoted "Every month, an estimated 200 million consumers play casual games online"

So don't under-estimate the power of the casual gamers :P

PS Yup I belong to this group too. FPS and gore theme games are too time consuming for me.
Jan 20, 2011 at 6:32pm
Just look at Zygna's crap games...yeah.
Jan 21, 2011 at 3:32am
I have to agree with firedraco, I never played any of their games but it always makes me wonder what keeps other people that I know want to play it.
Jan 21, 2011 at 3:56am
The reason can be very simple. Some ppl prefer easy game rules and somehow simple games have this "mysterious" pull such that one wants to play again and again.

Tetris, Rubik cube are still popular nowadays so there must be something that attract correct?

I shall leave it to some PhD thesis to answer this "funny" attraction :P

In recent times, big game makers also notice this trend of "casual gamers" It can be a sizeable market. They must be wondering, simple games that require few resources investment can draw in crowds? They should engage some PhD holders to do research on human brains. What trigger the human brain to play game. Does it have to be action-packed filled with action, gore, sounds or just simple maths logic can achieve the same effect too.
Jan 21, 2011 at 4:02am
I would say I am also a casual gamer most of the time. Sometime ago I used to play AOE2 for hours at a stretch and NFS till 2 months ago, but along with daily jobs, these games get too time consuming...
The casual games are sometimes fun too. And sometimes hard too.

Last week, I was trying to shoot 4 stick-figures popping up from behind a tree, which just seemed impossible till my drunk room-mate came and shot all 4 in one go... and then took the mouse away !!! *&^#^%$^%$^

For break, I sometimes play simple online games or a short ride in NFS.
Jan 30, 2011 at 1:41pm
Me Hardcore Dude!!!111

Lol , seriously though, I'm not a casual gamer :D
I play counter-strike a lot :)
Jan 30, 2011 at 4:32pm
I play CS and I still consider myself casual. It's not to do with what games you play, it's how much you play them and at what level.
Jan 30, 2011 at 6:37pm
Lately I'v been playing Minecraft...
Jan 30, 2011 at 6:39pm
I agree with chrisname. I've been having a lot of casual fun with Just Cause 2 (very recommended if you like to blow up stuff). On the other hand, when I play an RPG like Baldur's Gate it's never casual.
Jan 30, 2011 at 7:24pm
I play MC too king214!
It's awesome.
And I play it quite much chris, and also on a considerable level.
Jan 30, 2011 at 8:34pm
closed account (D80DSL3A)
I'm playing Mario Galaxy a lot on my new Wii this rainy weekend. Finally upgraded from my N64!!
This is casual gaming for me.
Jan 31, 2011 at 1:43am
Speaking of Super Mario Galaxy....

Do you think they did the "ur mr gay" thing on purpose?
Jan 31, 2011 at 2:02am
closed account (D80DSL3A)
I see how that comes from the title, but where do you see it? I haven't noticed that anywhere, but I often miss things that are right in front of me!

Also, paying $50 for a game doesn't feel very "casual".
The game is fun though, they did a good job.
Feb 2, 2011 at 3:18am
Oddly enough, Super Mario Galaxy is Nintendo going for their hardcore market. People often assume hardcore must be RPGs or shooters while Nintendo has held a hardcore audience for years with first party titles like Mario, Kirby, Donkey Kong, and Zelda. Nintendo is a different bread then most, and although their console is blatantly soaked with shovel-ware, the hardcore fans are the one's playing Mario.

Nintendo relies on nostalgia too much at times however...
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