Tron kicks ass!

Pages: 1234
Jan 4, 2011 at 9:52pm
I don't normally say this about hyped up sequels but the new tron legacy is quite possibly just as good as the original, if not even better.

I'm actually a bit taken back at how there isn't more discussion of it on here.

What did you all think of it?
Jan 4, 2011 at 9:54pm
I tried to several times... but no one seemed interested in my posts so I gave up. I've seen it 3 times in the theater now lol and listen to the soundtrack all day. The graphics, music, acting, and story were fantastic.
Last edited on Jan 4, 2011 at 9:58pm
Jan 4, 2011 at 10:27pm
yeah I hear you.... At first i thought they were going overboard with the 'punk' style but in no time at all they wove the necessary fragments together to make everything all make sense.... I have never been as presently surprised by how a sequeal could be so out-of-character from its original movie, and still be as esilily recognizable as part of the 'tron' story.

And the line
This year we put a 12 on the box.
How could that not be the best line of the decade?

That obvious wisecrack at microsoft notwithstanding, the movie does offer both points of few, taking the moral as an alegory, about perfection being impossible, and with that in hindsight most would say microsoft has in fact done a pretty good job at product development. (But an even better job at marketing lol!!!). I wish one of my former college literature professors were around to to verify if this is an example of sturm & drang style of literature. I have a hunch it is.
Jan 4, 2011 at 11:19pm
tron legacy is quite possibly just as good as the original, if not even better.
I absolutely agree. That isn't much though. Technically the original wasn't very good.. Though it isn't the implementation that matters. Whether this one is as good as the original, we'll see after 30 years.

I didn't really like the programs in this one though. There is nothing programish about them, except for the fancy clothes. Seriously, why would a program go to a club?
But it's a fine movie really..
Jan 4, 2011 at 11:29pm
well in the original the programs didn't really have much character not that i recall anyway. of course its been a few years.
Jan 5, 2011 at 3:26pm
I agree with you guys. Tron Legacy is a great movie, with lots of great moments. I liked the sense of humor a lot too. "You're messing with my zen thing" was just great. The music was amazing. I'm glad I managed to drag my wife to watch it. She's an absolutely non-computer-person and she liked it too. The original Tron has always been one of my favorite movies and I'm glad they could make something great with its name.
Jan 5, 2011 at 3:30pm
I wasn't planning on seeing it but All I'v heard are good so...
Jan 5, 2011 at 5:21pm
I took my wife the first time who is also non technical and she loved it so much that she saw it with me a second time and hums the soundtrack all day lol. My biggest regret now is buying my Camaro instead of that damn light cycle :(
Jan 6, 2011 at 12:23am
So it looks like you computer folks love the sound track and the effects but what about the story? Did you happen to notice the God vs. Satan theme or anything else that was interesting about the story?
Jan 6, 2011 at 12:46am
Oh yea, definitely. Especially since they beat your head with it over and over again.
Jan 6, 2011 at 1:53am
The story is what I enjoyed the most, which is why I didn't see it in 3d.
Jan 7, 2011 at 5:09am
closed account (1yR4jE8b)
The story was braindead, and a total waste of potential.

The people who liked this movie have extremely low standards for film....
Last edited on Jan 7, 2011 at 5:09am
Jan 7, 2011 at 5:31am
Care to elaborate? I liked that movie too.
Jan 7, 2011 at 10:19am
I liked the movie too...
I was even more mesmerized by the design of the game/new world system by Flynn. Me and my friend could stretch the discussion to object and thread pools till our non-comp-sc mates bashed us up and we had to shut up.

I particularly liked the portrayal of unix based systems in the film... the system in the game shop was up since so long and sam could just look up history and repeat the command

And how the sys-admin frantically tried to kill a process in the beginning...
What do you say he was trying to kill? a file transfer or the mplayer running the pet dog video? These could well be the antics of war in future when robots and processes are the instruments of attack rather than bombs.
Jan 7, 2011 at 6:04pm
mgupta wrote:
Me and my friend could stretch the discussion to object and thread pools till our non-comp-sc mates bashed us up and we had to shut up.

I hear you, I spent hours discussing the same thing with some co workers... even broke ground on the possibility of one day achieving "digital immortality" lol... don't get me started...
Jan 7, 2011 at 6:32pm
"digital immortality" lol... don't get me started...

Could that be seriously achieved?

It could be the most serious problem on earth if the creating factory loses control of the threads and each spawns new threads out of its own...
I dont yet have enough experience in programming to be able to think of a non-hardware-based solution

Amazing !!!

EDIT: I just noticed this was my hundredth post :P
Last edited on Jan 7, 2011 at 6:33pm
Jan 7, 2011 at 7:08pm
mgupta wrote:
Could that be seriously achieved?

I am certain it can be achieved. What are we truly missing? Some advancements in AI and the ability to understand the chemical messages in the brain, which will eventually happen. Once we've cracked them the skies the limits...
Jan 7, 2011 at 7:34pm
Did you happen to notice the God vs. Satan theme

Yes, this goes back to the original movie where one of the programs was a parable for the pope. His destruction by the master control program was taken to symbolize the church's inevitable fall. Thats where I think the whole 'zen' thing came from in Tron Legacy. They couldn't stop saying 'Ha! We told you so!' referring to the churches pedofiliac priest scandal.
Jan 7, 2011 at 7:38pm
closed account (1yR4jE8b)
Care to elaborate?


You have been warned....

Where do I begin? The root is pretty much in the original film as well, it just isn't very good and has not aged well at all. Even though geeks seem to love it (I don't), it's a very hard movie to watch but I digress...let's talk about Tron: Legacy

Let's start at the beginning. The whole premise that Sam breaks into this company to steal the operating system is fundamentally flawed to begin with. First of all he's the majority share holder and can just walk in and take over the company whenever he wants, but he doesn't...why? Because he's a rebel! duhhhhhh

And the entire scene where the OS is on the internet, and everyone starts freaking out and the their corporate world starts ending instantly makes no sense at all...How do the reporters know that this happened? How is it being reported minutes after it happens? The stocks plummit INSTANTLY? This crap is stupid, and they act like an Operating System has never been pirated the people who wrote this movie actually know ANYTHING about computers? I doubt it...

How the hell does he get out of jail so fast? He's commited so many crimes in just the first few minutes of this movie it boggles my mind, it makes no sense.

Then there's that seen where the Bruce Boxleitner character tells Sam about the page and that Sam should go to the arcade...ummmm...why? Shouldn't the other guy go instead because HE'S THE ONE WHO GOT THE PAGE...Of course not, because the plot demands it.

How the hell did Sam ACCIDENTALY input the command to zap himself into the grid? That's like putting a Linux prompt in front my grandma and having her accidentally type in
sudo rm -rf /
. And no, he didn't just look up the command history, he was typing random crap and he ACCIDENTALLY activated some obscure command. I call BULLSHIT

THEN, when Sam finally arrives in the the eff is he such an uber badass right away? How does he even know that he's in the grid? How could he have possibly won that disk fight, how does he know everything? There's no period of adjustment to being in the gird, he's just a super badass right away. IT'S STUPID

Don't even get me started with Clu...the uncanney valley is so deep with that cd model it's laughable. And it's not like they were trying to make it appear terrible THEY USED THE SAME CG MODEL IN THE REAL-WORLD FLASHBACK. Not only that, it seems the model looks WORSE as the movie goes boggles my mind how the producers were like "That looks great, ship it".

Not to mention his plan was pants-on-head-retarded to begin with. There's no way that he could have known that Sam would come through the portal...or that Flynn even had a son. Even if he did know, how would however came through the portal know where to find Flynn? Ok sure, send a message out into the real world to get somebody to come in fine....there's no guarantee that they would be able to find Flynn. Even then...if the purpose of Sam coming through the portal was to get him to find Flynn for him THEN WHY DID CLU TRY TO KILL SAM AS SOON AS HE GOT THERE

Another braindead scene is when Clu's cronies track everyone down, and they're like "Let's go get them!"....not even 5 minutes before that they just established that THEY COULDN'T GO THERE BECAUSE THEY WOULD MALFUNCTION but hey continuity and logic don't matter.

And what's up with the Dinner Scene? Where did the food come from? Did Flynn program that juicy pig? this makes no sense at ALL

And what's up with all the bad-ass disk throwing, bullet-time, light-cycle hopping crap in the action makes no sense. In the original movie, Tron was the only character that could actually fight competently..because he was a SECURITY program.

Not to mention...there were only like 2 references to the original movie in this. Considering much of the hype was based on the fact that it's a long overdue (I say that lightly) sequel, the don't do anything with the Tron heritage. In fact, in a lot of places they totally betray alot of the classic Tron imagery. For example, the Lightcycles in the original film..there was an encroaching danger in the way the walls raise up behind making the danger to crash way more threatening...but in this movie....there's no pan outs, no zoom shots...nothing. Just whizzy drive by's and bullet time...STUPID

What's the point of the data disk anyway? They never explain exactly why it's so important to the whole process of getting Clu into the real world...only that it is. Then when they finally get it...the good guys basically just go and take it back. There was only like what...FOUR people guarding it? Clu has an army, and this is the lynchpin to his plan, and he has FOUR PEOPLE GUARD IT....argggghhhhhh my brain hurts this makes no fucking sense.

The whole 'new life form' concept also makes no sense conceptually, not to mention they never explain why they are such a threat to Clu in the first place. In fact, CLu never even explains why he's not satisfied with the direction the world is taking, only that it is, and just goes from 0 to EVIL instantly. There's no development or progression. Characters in this story have all these empty motivations with nothing to explain any of them. Even the characters themselves are totally underdevelopped, even Quorra who not only is a native to the grid and understands the way the world works she's also one of the New Life Forms. We never get any kind of insight into the world from her, they say she's special, but we never see WHY. Wait I's because Olivia Wilde is smoking hot. >.<

There's another scene where they're like "Hey, that Light Train that just came out of nowhere will take us to the Portal"...How do you know that? You can't just pull bullshit out of your ass like that, there's no reason that you would know that.

And oh my god....ZEUS...what the flying fuck is this guy's deal? Why is he like that? If everything in the grid is a computer program has a purpose, what's his purpose? To act gay and play air guitar? Not to mention the ridiculous accent....arggh....Why is there a Club in the grid? Why is the purpose of the people there? It makes no sense in context of a computer...these aren't programs...these are just regular people in stupid outfits.

This was the perfect opportunity to modernize the concept from the original film: personafications of software, that's what the first film was about and there's so much new technology today that could have been used...Think about Multithreaded apps, a character like Goro from Mortal Kombat with 4 arms kicking your ass throwing disks at you like a badass could be a multithreaded application. Or like an Email software that's a mailman, they could have personified Social Networking (Facebook, Myspace), wireless communication? all these new things and functions for computer and software, The Internet.This was the perfect oportunity to update the Tron concept, but they did nothing with it all....The Bit character from the original film was infinitely more original than anything this movie has...which is practically nothing but flashing lights and nifty 3d (I'll give it that)

There is no intellectual level to this film, it knows nothing about computers...or cyber culture..totally wasted potential. This movie could have been so much more than just a big dumb action movie, it could have been on the same level as The Social Network but instead they play to the lowest common denominator.

People are saying this inspired them to code? HOW? This movie has practically nothing to do with code or programming....The Social Network inspired me to code, Tron...just...bored me to tears
Last edited on Jan 7, 2011 at 7:42pm
Jan 7, 2011 at 7:52pm
Wow... you've really analyzed this movie... that's a bit ridiculous. Were you miserable the entire time you watched it? Some things don't need to make sense, if it did it wouldn't be fantasy and wouldn't be worth watching now would it? It would take an 8 hour movie to explain some of the things you point out.
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