Pls help!!!!Brute force??

Apr 8, 2008 at 5:20pm
Brute Force????

Say for instance i have an array surface of [40][40] and the base station for my car is situated at
the centre [19][19]. The car is able to move North,East,South and West. Some of the blocks of the surface have obstacles
and the car cannot move through them. The car can survey a maximum of 5 blocks at a time,after that it must come back
to the base station to recharge before is can survey again.
Can someone help me write a code that the car will use to survey as much surface as possible at the same time be
able to come back to the base to recharge?

thanking you in advance
Apr 8, 2008 at 7:22pm
This is a C++ forum, you ask for an algorithm.

EDIT: You shouldn't post the same question more than once!
Last edited on Apr 8, 2008 at 7:24pm
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