User profile: soldstatic

User info
User name:soldstatic
Location:Lenexa, KS
Bio:I am a computer and electrical engineer at Uni.
Joined:Apr 21, 2008 at 6:50pm
Number of posts:32
Latest posts:

pointer question (should be easy to ans)
I hate to be one of 'those' posters but im running into a deadline. (midnight tonight actually). ...

pointer question (should be easy to ans)
OK well I had this working for awhile, now it doesn't work and I don't even know why... At any rate,...

pointer question (should be easy to ans)
ok i've changed it around some so that I have: [code] CLIENT myClient; CLIENT *cpoint; login(*cp...

try out kasamba. google it. you can hire a programmer to do one time stuff for you

pointer question (should be easy to ans)
ok when trying to get at thisClient.field (DUH) use thisClient->field Still can't figure out how...