User: ogelami

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User profile: ogelami

User info
User name:ogelami
Joined:Oct 4, 2009 at 3:26am
Number of posts:13
Latest posts:

Im new to the world of hooking
I've seen a couple of tutorials and I'm still having trouble getting things to work(i guess). Wha...

moving a constant twodimensional array into an doublepointed int array
[code]int ** map; int mapWidth,mapHeight;[/code] [code] const int defaultWidth = 52; const int...

Problem with if statement :S
Diablo 2 =), or redvex a proxy for diablo 2.

Problem with if statement :S
Thank you [b]guestgulkan [/b]this did solve my problem, silly that i didn't see that.

Problem with if statement :S
So, now i did but that did not solve the problem :/

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