User: willmannix123

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User profile: willmannix123

User info
User name:willmannix123
Joined:Nov 20, 2015 at 9:18pm
Number of posts:11
Latest posts:

I get a different answer to the correct answer when I run my code, my logic seems correct. not sure why?
@joe864863 @jonnin That was a mistake by me in the question joe, I'm taking bits of code out of the ...

I get a different answer to the correct answer when I run my code, my logic seems correct. not sure why?
I'm doing a series of excercises to get a better understanding of functions for college. I'm current...

Is there a way to allow the user to populate an Array with "cin"?
I have an excercise to do for college and one of the questions is as follows a. Write a prototype f...

How do I call a bool function in main?
Im currently doing an excercise where if the user enters two letters, A and B for example, it will o...

Is there any way to make modifications to the command prompt in visual studio e.g change background color, font, borders etc.?
I'm just wondering is there any way I can add a border around this simple menu I created in the com...

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