User: punani

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User profile: punani

User info
User name:punani
Joined:Aug 5, 2016 at 11:58pm
Number of posts:10
Latest posts:

Inheritance problem
For my assignment, I have to use inheritance to represent Point, square and cube. My problem is that...

Inheritance and composition (point, square, cube)
So basically, my program is like half composition half inheritance?

Inheritance and composition (point, square, cube)
For my assigment, I have to create classes for point, square and cube, by inheritance and by composi...

Point, square and cube by inheritance
Yea I solved it thank you very much! Now ill work on improving the program. For example, I would lik...

Point, square and cube by inheritance
Error at line 16: Class Point has no member named 'x' But thanks for the help, im getting closer (h...

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