User: Supershock01

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User profile: Supershock01

User info
User name:Supershock01
Joined:Feb 9, 2016 at 10:22pm
Number of posts:17
Latest posts:

Compiler Error for Class
Dude, you are a life saver!!! You helped me bring my F/D to a solid D almost C!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUC...

Compiler Error for Class
The output is almost right except for the 0 that I got should be a 4. Should I change: int MyClass:...

Compiler Error for Class
The teacher send us two example inputs and outputs, so when enter then one works correctly the other...

Compiler Error for Class
Oh, Thank you so much for your help!!!! :D

Help to create Class in C++
You should read through this to help you understand classes and it also has the basic syntax. Hope t...

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