User: zeus

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User profile: zeus

User info
User name:zeus
Joined:May 8, 2011 at 8:58am
Number of posts:11
Latest posts:

Increment and decrement operator help
Thanks Jonnin, I was a bit careless with my response. The sequence of calculation had been explained...

Increment and decrement operator help
ahhh, OK thank you. It does make sense now. The use of ++ or -- is after everything else. Thank yo...

Increment and decrement operator help
I've been slowly getting my way through a teach yourself C++ book and so far its been great. I like ...

Should I buy a new book?
Thank you for your reply. I did have a quick look at VS Community 2017 but I wasn't sure which elem...

Should I buy a new book?
Quite a few years ago I had the idea of learning C++. My student account with Microsoft gave me acce...

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