User: akshatmahajan3112

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  • akshatmahajan3112

User profile: akshatmahajan3112

User info
User name:akshatmahajan3112
Joined:Apr 6, 2018 at 4:18pm
Number of posts:39
Latest posts:

Confusion:Comparing a Node's String variable in a function
Let's say i have this node: [code] struct Patient { string pname; string pid; stri...

Linked List Display Function Not Working.
Hey Guys,This Function is not working as expected,It will not display disp.pname The lines before th...

Output Problem - Windows. library
Hey Guys,I have been playing around with <windows.h> today and encountered the system("color 01") fu...

is <windows.h>'s system("color 01") cool to use?
Hey guys,I was just getting to know formatting output options in c++ and came upon the color() in wi...

Confusion/Dilemma -Question About Data Structure Pointers
Thank You. Cleared things up a little.

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