User profile: jaded7

User info
User name:jaded7
Joined:Jun 16, 2012 at 6:24am
Number of posts:104
Latest posts:

Conditional member initialization
you can use the ternary operator like so [code]class Thing { public: Thing(const std::strin...

File Input and Output
There are a huge amount of C++ syntactic errors. Without trying to be rude, you seem to need to pay ...

cin.sync vs cin.ignore
Easy, thanks.

cin.sync vs cin.ignore
Firstly, heres an example of how its being used. [code] std::string stringOne, stringTwo; wh...

Uncertain with a piece of code
[code]timeText.str( "" );[/code] That clears the contents (not the state) of the stringstream. [co...