User: qwerty7899

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User profile: qwerty7899

User info
User name:qwerty7899
Bio:I am a beginner programer interested in c++ and java. I hope I can get beater at programing on this web site.
Joined:Jul 10, 2013 at 11:09am
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

cant close a file
o wow i feel dumb thanks

cant close a file
for some reason it wont let me close my file dues anyone know why? [code] #include <string> #in...

need some quick help
thanks that works :)

need some quick help
i was wondering how to use "quotation marks" in quotation marks? like if i want to say. [code] ...

I need help with my code
I need help it skips the cin.getline in my if stat mint and I have no clue why? ps.I am using visua...

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