User profile: gigacapybara

User info
User name:gigacapybara
Joined:Aug 28, 2021 at 7:11pm
Number of posts:27
Latest posts:

c++ Program that uses structs and nodes to read data file
@seeplus the reason why I commented out those lines is because I get a segmentation error and the pr...

c++ Program that uses structs and nodes to read data file
I am using a combination of structs and nodes using a heavily modified linked list program to read a...

C++ structure program that returns student information from file
@seeplus I thought the count started from 0 which is why I used 2 and 6 for the arrays

C++ structure program that returns student information from file
I have an unfinished program for homework, the main issue is I am not sure how to make a function th...

c++ HW Program that creates a linked list
Prompt: Problem 3: Linked List (35 Points) Using the Linked List program we did in class (or video)...