User: waruqi

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User profile: waruqi

User info
User name:waruqi
Bio:Focus on cross-platform development using c language
Joined:Aug 10, 2017 at 8:01am
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

xmake v2.2.2, We can also manage package dependencies for C/C++

xmake v2.2.2, We can also manage package dependencies for C/C++
After more than four months, xmake finally updated the new version v2.2.2 and launched the heavyweig...

I'm implementing menu config based on curses terminal
I'm implementing menu config based on curses terminal. for example: $ xmake [f|config] --menu ...

Install Dev-Cpp
You can try vim + xmake (

A make-like build utility based on Lua for building c/c++ program
Introduction (中文) xmake is a make-like build utility based on lua. The project focuses on maki...

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