User: Ocen

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User profile: Ocen

User info
User name:Ocen
Joined:Nov 7, 2015 at 12:07am
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

do while loop won't stop for input after first loop
Awesome. Thank you so much for the great responses; clearing the buffer worked perfectly.

do while loop won't stop for input after first loop
Hi, I am trying to write a program that converts a postfix expression to infix. It works just fine ...

Heap Corruption detected on delete [] L
I'm getting this weird error I don't know how to interpret or solve when I try to delete my dynamic ...

identifier string is undefined
I am writing a class header file for a school project and intellisense keeps telling me that identif...

Need to get a value out of another function without returning it
Can someone explain to me how I can get the totalAmount out of getCustomerTotalAssets to use in the ...

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