User: shola

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User profile: shola

User info
User name:shola
Joined:Jan 24, 2015 at 6:03am
Number of posts:11
Latest posts:

How to get rid off the warning
When I compile my code, I receive this warning, [b]"tp.cpp: In function ‘int single_roll_sim(int, ...

Infinite Loop problem. Help me!
Thank you very much! I'll polish my code:)

Infinite Loop problem. Help me!
I am trying to write a code which will have an array of 2 elements. A user enters initial values for...

Spare a Square Problem. Need help to figure it out.
1) Use a function that generates and returns a random number between [0,1] which can be used to det...

Spare a Square problem. Need help.
1) Use a function that generates and returns a random number between [0,1] which can be used to dete...

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