User profile: sterynkng14

User info
User name:sterynkng14
Name:Stephen King
Location:Salisbury, MD, USA
Bio:I am of the age 18, I've been into computers since I was 13 and shortly after I tried programming. I love the outcome of programming. I love the feeling of accomplishment from programming. I enjoy windows-based programming and web developtment.
Statistical data
Birthdate:Feb 1, 1995
Joined:May 5, 2013 at 9:53pm
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

Mobile programming
Java definitely, it is the language meant for it, and from what i've heard. It's simpler. However yo...

Quick int for loops
As Peter87 said The only difference is that when you declare i before the loop, it can be reused th...

Sending a file to email
Hello, basically what i am looking for is a way to send a file to email using c++ I don't need an...

Programmer Friends
I am looking to surround myself with people who program in c++. All of my friends do not take an int...

C++ Tutor
I am 18 years of age and have been learning c++ on my own for a little while now. I am looking for a...