User: pepstein

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User profile: pepstein

User info
User name:pepstein
Joined:Nov 8, 2013 at 1:58am
Number of posts:100
Latest posts:

Trouble with add function in a class
DUDE. i am such an idiot, i'm smacking myself. thanks for pointing that out. its always the most obv...

Trouble with add function in a class
With the function like this: [code] void PhoneBook::add(const Entry& newEntry) { entry[count]=ne...

Trouble with add function in a class
when adding "cout << count << endl;" after "count++" upon compilation it prints out the current coun...

Trouble with add function in a class
only 56, format is [code] John Doe 323-816-9613 Jane Doe 323-816-9613 [/code]

Trouble with add function in a class
I updated my phonebook.h and phonebook.cpp to fix the count stuff, didn't really affect how it funct...

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