User: Beginner Student

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User profile: Beginner Student

User info
User name:Beginner Student
Joined:Nov 17, 2015 at 12:00pm
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Using time function to make Sound ?
Hello everyone,, I'm confused about this question! Please, I need your help .. Q: Use the time ...

Generate Sound (Beeps) ??
[center]OK. it works but the main problem was how to make [b]Beeps [/b]every a certain number of [...

Generate Sound (Beeps) ??
Hello everyone,, I'm confused about this question! Please, I need your help .. Q: Use the time...

Using Time Function !?
Don't care about the code. I want [b]only [/b]to know How To [u]generate 5 Beeps every 10 Seconds...

Using Time Function !?
I am confused ! Please help me to solve this question ... Q: Use the time function from this cod...

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