User: vivienneanthony

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User profile: vivienneanthony

User info
User name:vivienneanthony
Joined:Dec 10, 2013 at 7:04pm
Number of posts:73
Latest posts:

Physics programming calculating percent of thrust from quaternion
I was wondering how to calculate thrust and its ratio in c++ using bullet physics for each thruster ...

Memory Access Error Vector
Hello, I'm gettin a memory error. I'm not sure what's wrong. [code] Program received signal S...

Quick Dirty Command Line Parser Isn't working
Hi, I made a quick command line but not sure why it's not working? It seems the for loop is wrong....

Function Pointer Help
I tried changing the struct to [code]// struct for panels typedef struct PanelTab { const char ...

Function Pointer Help
This is the full source. What I'm trying to do is be able to initialize a static structure array wit...

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