User: Manuel Di Criscito

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  • Manuel Di Criscito

User profile: Manuel Di Criscito

User info
User name:Manuel Di Criscito
Name:Manuel Di Criscito
Bio:My goal: Learn c++ and build a game with sdl2 game engine.
Statistical data
Birthdate:Dec 12, 1998
Joined:Oct 9, 2016 at 2:40pm
Number of posts:14
Latest posts:

Coloring a texture in SDL2
I develop games using c++ and sdl2 and in this topic i'll try to give more informations possibles ab...

Create a decibel meter for my game. Please
Hi guys! I am currently creating a game with a background with music rythm. So i want to calculat...

Please! Calculate direction of a ball shooted
Solved with proportions: a = enemy.x-player.x; b = enemy.y-player.y; v = sqrt((a*a)+(b*b)); speed=6;...

Please! Calculate direction of a ball shooted
Not what i'm searching for. Th videos tell about vectors but not about velocity of x and y.

Please! Calculate direction of a ball shooted
Hi, i create games with SDL2 but now it doesn't matter. In my game there is the player and the en...

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