User: LMoroney

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User profile: LMoroney

User info
User name:LMoroney
Joined:Feb 12, 2015 at 3:49pm
Number of posts:9
Latest posts:

Moving from one co-ordinate to another
theres no obstacles, and its a grid, so only integer x and y values. so for example, from (0,0) to (...

Moving from one co-ordinate to another
I have a character at a co-ordinate, say (3,4) for example, and I need to get him to (10,15). I woul...

Help with comparing classes
okay thanks

Help with comparing classes
[code] for (int i = 0; i < FOODNO; i++) { creature creat0; food foodi; if ((creat0.getX() < f...

Help with comparing classes
I was going to try and make a loop for each creature, return its x and y positions and compare them ...

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