User profile: DragootKlaus

User info
User name:DragootKlaus
Joined:Apr 30, 2015 at 6:35pm
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Confused on a minor for loop in Hangman project
I got it to work, I simply placed a break before the loop closed. Thank you for the help!!

Confused on a minor for loop in Hangman project
Okay so I placed the loop like this [code] while (wrongC < 7 && rightC < word.length()); if(righ...

Confused on a minor for loop in Hangman project
@LendraDwi Okay but where in the program do I place it?

Confused on a minor for loop in Hangman project
I'm building a simple Hangman project, it reads an external text file into an array. That works fine...

No idea how to start a program, how can I read a file entry into an array?
I have no idea how to start this somewhat difficult Hangman program. This is how I'm supposed to do ...