User: ghostcode

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User profile: ghostcode

User info
User name:ghostcode
Name:James Flagg
Location:Camp Bastion, Afghanistan
Joined:Feb 22, 2013 at 8:06pm
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

This will mess your mind up
The following fuction from a class is supposed to count the number less then the average of all numb...

count the numbers below the average
Computergeek01 your suggestion did not work still have the same output. could you elaberate on you ...

count the numbers below the average
Hello everyone need some help. I have loaded and 1d array from a .dat file, calculated the average ...

coding a loop inside a class to use in main
That is what I needed, and thank you for you quick responce

coding a loop inside a class to use in main
I am writing a program where all work is done in the class methods. Main is used to call the method...

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