User: guru23

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User profile: guru23

User info
User name:guru23
Old user name:garen
Joined:Sep 21, 2015 at 1:36am
Number of posts:35
Latest posts:

Minor sort problem
Forgive me please but I'm just really lost. I can't wrap my head around how fix the a[4] issue.

Minor sort problem
I understand what you said initially. I just want to know what I need to change in my for loop in o...

Minor sort problem
I tried i < 4 - 1 (line 8) but that doesn't work either. Kind of stuck as to what to write. Your e...

Minor sort problem
I'm trying to make my program sort this array of numbers from least to greatest but the output is co...

Vector problem
There aren't any lines where the user types in the student grade a second time. The basic idea it t...

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